Volkswagen XL1 Concept

The Volkswagen XL1 Concept is the car of the future. It looks futuristic enough, with its lack of a rear view mirror and sleeky design, complete with hidden rear wheels.

To Lee, With Love, Nick

Tomorrow will be the first anniversary of Lee McQueen's tragic passing. Fashion house Alexander McQueen's driving force was a visionary and his bold designs drew the likes of Hollywood and beyond.

Katy Perry X OPI

Part of every girl's Teenage Dream is to always have a great manicure. Having pretty fingers makes us feel like Fireworks and although we might be stuck at work, one glance at our nails and it's almost like we are California Girls Waking Up in Vegas.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Pitti Immagine首度訪港為六月國際時裝展造勢

適逢六月旅遊淡季,想去歷史悠久的城市探尋古迹感受文化氛圍,又想爲旅程注入時尚生活元素?意大利頂級時裝展覽公司Pitti Immagine首席執行官 Mr. Napoleone現身香港,爲即將到來的六月意大利時裝展強力造勢,掀起意大利佛羅倫薩時尚之旅熱潮。Pitti Immagine將是次活動作爲在亞洲一系列宣傳活動的第一站,希望藉此叩開亞洲大門,吸引更多的時尚愛好者赴佛羅倫薩觀光參展,進一步促進意大利時裝與中國內地、香港市場的交流。

佛羅倫薩 · 現代藝術與文化歷史交融的幻妙之旅
意大利佛羅倫薩是文藝復興時代文化藝術的源頭,它深厚的文化底蘊給予了意大利乃至全世界無限的光彩。佛羅倫薩全市有40所博物館及美術館,超過60所宮殿及教堂,古老的建築、經典的藝術品、珍貴的文物以及精美的壁畫,無一不在昭示15世紀文藝復興時代的榮光。同時,佛羅倫薩這個藝術搖籃中亦孕育出一個世界時尚潮流服飾的源頭,創立于1953年的Pitti Immagine是國際時尚界流行趨勢的指標性盛事,包括Pitti Uomo男裝展、Pitti W女裝預告系列時裝展、Pitti Bimbo童裝展以及Pitti Filati國際紗綫展,每一届盛會都吸引著全球一流時裝設計師及世界各地數以萬計的時尚買家前往,其舉辦的全球最大的Pitti Uomo意大利國際男裝展,象徵著國際男裝的最高水準,是世界一線品牌的必爭之地,亦是專業買手把握時尚脈搏的最理想之地。佛羅倫薩將歷史的輝煌及現代服飾藝術完美地結合在一起,已然成爲藝術、歷史、時尚的代名詞。如若身處佛羅倫薩,不僅可以參加時尚盛會,還可以在阿諾河旁慵懶地散步,在僻靜的學院美術館看大衛像的原作,去Salvatore Ferragamo總部Palazzo Feroni宮感受帶著濃厚文化氣息的時尚。

佛羅倫薩 · 多元化多區域世界時尚焦點
Pitti Immagine國際服裝展每年都在佛羅倫薩拉開帷幕,是一個集時裝秀、藝術表演、藝術展覽及宴會一體的綜合藝術現場。這個地方聚集了全世界極富創造力的時尚作品,從而形成一個全球時尚潮流服飾多元化的互動平台。今年六月,巴西將作爲第一個特邀國家,積極參展幷舉辦相應的時尚活動及一系列藝術展覽。新興經濟體能在國際頂級服裝展上占有一席之地,這也使得佛羅倫薩在時裝、文化、藝術上保有了充分的多元性

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

ICT Awards recognizes Hong Kong's best iPhone and iPad applications

We at Gadgets Living live a lifestyle that revolves around gadgetry, and so, we are understandably obsessed with Apple's iPhone and iPad. But besides the smooth curves and sleek telecommunications and web abilities of these devices, it's the downloadable applications that make the difference when it comes to deciding between Apple or anyone else.

The Hong Kong ICT Awards 2011 Best Lifestyle Awards presentation ceremony was held last month, and amongst its winners were some iPhone and iPad applications that we've come to use and enjoy in our busy commuter lives. 

The first is the MTR Mobile application, which was awarded “Best Lifestyle Award” and a Gold Award in the “Green, Healthy and Creative Living” category. The application is first-class in terms of the user experience. It uses Augmented Reality technology to allow the user to find restaurants and other landmarks which are up to 500m away. So if you have no clue where you are, just whip out your iPhone and the MTR app will have you chowing down on dim sum in no time. 

The application was also duly recognized by the ICT Awards for its excellent integration of MTR's marketing and PR strategies into the application. The graphics are similar to the ones you actually see at the MTR stations, and so it's super easy to use and doesn't add to your confusion (which is probably why you need the app in the first place).

Another winner at the Best Lifestyle Awards was the Hong Kong Arts Festival iPhone application. Designed by the same company that produced the MTR application, Cherrypicks Ltd..  The Arts Fest app scored the gold Award in the “Social Community” category for the application which incorporates the best of aesthetic design with cool functionality. Festival updates and information were beamed straight to your phones and users could connect and share with their friends using popular social media networks like Facebook and Twitter.

There aren't many awards out there that celebrate outstanding iPhone and iPad applications, although they are the new era of technology. So, kudos to the Hong Kong ICT Awards!

Representative of the Organizer, The Panel of Judges and The Hong Kong ICT Awards 2011: photo of the champion of the “Best Lifestyle Award” and a Gold Award in the “Green, Healthy and Creative Living

The Hong Kong ICT Awards 2011 – Group Photo of the Best Lifestyle Award 

Thursday, 5 May 2011

DT Asia Helps Asia Celebrate Aura With A Magical Launch

History was made at Thursday’s grand launch of “Aura by Swarovski, as DT Communications Asia Pacific (DT Asia) successfully organized a media event and cocktail party to celebrate the perfume’s official premiere in the region. The occasion featured a never-before-seen light show and the collection was brilliantly showcased with cutting-edge special effects in a dramatic unveiling ceremony.

“Aura by Swarovski” marks Clarins Fragrance Group and Swarovski’s first fragrance collaboration, and the two European brands, along with DT Asia, pulled out all the stops with a star-studded launch event attended by Mr. Christian Courtin-Clarins, Chairman of Clarins Group Supervisory Board.

The impressive highlight was the fantastic light show, beamed from
the venue to the building across the crowded Queensway street. The first of its kind in Asia, the spectacle of light featured the “Aura by Swarovski” video commercial, and captivated guests in a monumental gesture announcing the fragrance’s arrival in Asia’s fashion capital. This bold and innovative display reinforced the larger than life beauty and magic of the fragrance, as well as the tenacity of DT Asia’s production team.

Hundreds of guests, including more than 200 local and regional media from China, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and The Philippines, were also in attendance for the epic unveiling ceremony. The collection was revealed in a glorious fashion, with state-of-the-art special effects being employed. When the time came for the unveil, the atmosphere was intensified with lights descending on the stage, perfectly synchronized with smoke and music as guests were treated to the perfume line’s first appearance in the region.

In addition, the Swarovski dress, designed by the late, great Lee McQueen of the fashion house Alexander McQueen, enthralled fashion lovers with its unparalleled beauty and intricacy. Beauty enthusiasts were not left out, as they enjoyed the entire “Aura by Swarovski” collection, which was elegantly displayed on several fragrance bars strategically placed around the venue.

The sheer beauty of the venue also had party-goers singing non-stop praises. The perfect location to announce the Aura, the venue's unique architecture of majestic glass walls and waves-inspired ceiling played the perfect backdrop for the unveiling, artistically mirroring the inspiration for the perfume: pure light.  The venue was drenched in a brilliant pink light that bounced off the building’s curves into an enchanting dance, magically transforming the location into the mystical World of Swarovski.

General Manager of DT Asia, Ms. Alice Fok, said: “Months of hard work and dedication from Clarins Fragrance Group, Swarovski and the DT Asia team made this launch an incredible success. We are honoured that our distinguished guests had a fabulous time and we feel motivated to tackle similar challenges in the future.”
- End -
About DT Asia:
DT Communications Asia Pacific ( is a one-stop Public Relations and Marketing agency, providing the full range of communications services to professional institutions. DT Asia’s network extends throughout the Asia-Pacific region, with nine offices and affiliates in seven countries. Over the years, through close collaboration with governments and organizations, DT Asia has accumulated a sophisticated and professional intelligence and resource network. The firm’s specialty in innovation and creativity, combined with its insightful perspective of the industry and the vast experience of its PR professionals, provides local and foreign enterprises with the best formula for success.

Sunday, 10 April 2011


Prada12N AB1–1O1鏡框以純白亮相,僅用銀色交叉線條點綴邊框,凸顯個人強烈風格。Miu Miu 50MS1BC5P1太陽眼鏡在金屬鏡框上鑲嵌著一條酒紅色的邊框,而粉色透明的鏡臂更是畫著雁子的圖案,帶來春的氣息。Ray-Ban 2132則在承繼new wayfarer太陽眼鏡的經典設計之餘,更帶來新一季的粉紅驚喜,搶盡眼球,絕對是春日靚麗粉妝的秘密武器。

Friday, 11 March 2011

Luxurious Sama eyewear - Sheila Vance

Sheila Vance, the internationally renowned eyewear designer and founder of Sama Eyewear, works with her husband, Ross Vance, towards one simple goal – to help as many children as they can. inMAGAZINE talks to the designer about her eyewear and her views on life.

Loved by many royal members and Hollywood celebrities like Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise and Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sama Eyewear designs the world’s finest luxury fashion eyewear. Sheila Vance’s specially designed sunglasses are featured in dozens of blockbuster Hollywood films including “The Hours”, “Mission: Impossible III”, and “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines”, and have helped build many iconic characters in Hollywood.

All eyewear collections of Sama are handmade in Japan with the highest quality materials and most advanced production techniques as the designs are complicated and need precise execution. The uniqueness of Sama eyewear lies upon its quality, in which one of their newest collections, ‘Heart of Gold’, uses 24-carat gold and 18-carat white gold frames with Swarovski crystals. The company is also introducing a new edition to their ultra-premium luxury diamond sunglasses collection, which is made of the finest diamonds with a high-quality jewellery setting. “Our eyewear is so distinct and unique, we do not need a logo to emphasise ourselves,” Vance smiles.

Store: LensCrafters

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Volkswagen XL1 Concept

The Volkswagen XL1 Concept is the car of the future. It looks futuristic enough, with its lack of a rear view mirror and sleeky design, complete with hidden rear wheels. Heck, it even looks like the Jetsons' family car. But what truly makes it the car of the future isn't its fancy gulf wing doors or Bugatti-like body kit. What makes it the car of the future is its outrageously green mileage. With just 0.9 litres of diesel, the machine will take you a whole 100 kilometres. That's about 10 times the average car.

Remember that song that goes "girls don't like boys/ girls like cars and money"? Well usually this isn't true. Usually... This might be an exception though; sexy, functional and environmentally-friendly.

(image via europeancarweb)

To Lee, With Love, Nick

Tomorrow will be the first anniversary of Lee McQueen's tragic passing. Fashion house Alexander McQueen's driving force was a visionary and his bold designs drew the likes of Hollywood and beyond.

So as a little tribute to the designer, here's a snippet of To Lee, With Love, Nick, a short film by photographer Nick Knight, featuring Bjork.


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