Volkswagen XL1 Concept

The Volkswagen XL1 Concept is the car of the future. It looks futuristic enough, with its lack of a rear view mirror and sleeky design, complete with hidden rear wheels.

To Lee, With Love, Nick

Tomorrow will be the first anniversary of Lee McQueen's tragic passing. Fashion house Alexander McQueen's driving force was a visionary and his bold designs drew the likes of Hollywood and beyond.

Katy Perry X OPI

Part of every girl's Teenage Dream is to always have a great manicure. Having pretty fingers makes us feel like Fireworks and although we might be stuck at work, one glance at our nails and it's almost like we are California Girls Waking Up in Vegas.

Sunday, 10 April 2011


Prada12N AB1–1O1鏡框以純白亮相,僅用銀色交叉線條點綴邊框,凸顯個人強烈風格。Miu Miu 50MS1BC5P1太陽眼鏡在金屬鏡框上鑲嵌著一條酒紅色的邊框,而粉色透明的鏡臂更是畫著雁子的圖案,帶來春的氣息。Ray-Ban 2132則在承繼new wayfarer太陽眼鏡的經典設計之餘,更帶來新一季的粉紅驚喜,搶盡眼球,絕對是春日靚麗粉妝的秘密武器。

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