Volkswagen XL1 Concept

The Volkswagen XL1 Concept is the car of the future. It looks futuristic enough, with its lack of a rear view mirror and sleeky design, complete with hidden rear wheels.

To Lee, With Love, Nick

Tomorrow will be the first anniversary of Lee McQueen's tragic passing. Fashion house Alexander McQueen's driving force was a visionary and his bold designs drew the likes of Hollywood and beyond.

Katy Perry X OPI

Part of every girl's Teenage Dream is to always have a great manicure. Having pretty fingers makes us feel like Fireworks and although we might be stuck at work, one glance at our nails and it's almost like we are California Girls Waking Up in Vegas.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Comic Sans Criminal

We've all been there - whether conjuring digital images on Microsoft Paint, writing emails to long-lost friends or grinding out 50-page thesis papers (gasp!) - at one point or another, we've all been guilty of misusing the Comic Sans font.

Hence, some clever fella with Internet access saw opportunity in this global misjudgment epidemic, and created Comic Sans Criminal, a tongue-in-cheek guide to using the correct use of typography, and more specifically, Comic Sans.

It's cleverly designed, colourful and very well typographied (duh!). A short little exercise than is fun for all, even if you're too hooked on the font to change your ways.

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